Gratitude—bringing His love full circle

Can you be grateful in the midst of a challenge?

God loves us and gives us unlimited spiritual blessings. And one way we express our love for God is through gratitude to Him. Giving thanks, you might say, completes the circle of love between God and man. "We love him, because he first loved us," the Bible tells us (I John 4:19). When should we thank God? Right now, this very moment! Jesus showed the importance of thanksgiving not only after but before healing is apparent.

Prior to supplying food for thousands who had gathered to hear his teachings, Jesus gave thanks to God—even though he only had five loaves and two fishes (see John 6:5–13).

Before the Master raised Lazarus from the dead, he thanked God. He knew this was an opportunity to glorify Him. Standing outside the tomb, he declared: "Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always" (John 11:41, 42).

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