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Safe in the all-presence of God
Whether circumstances appear to afford us security or not, we can expect freedom from harm through an understanding of the divine Principle of safety.
When I was a young student of Christian Science, time and again at midweek testimony meetings, in the branch Church of Christ, Scientist, I'd been attending, individuals would stand and give glory and gratitude to God for being right there with them on the battlefield, or in the air, or on the sea. (This was during World War II.)
I was filled with awe and wonder as I listened to how confident these individuals had been under the most trying circumstances. How could they, I thought, be shot at, be in constant danger, and still remain cool and clearheaded? What understanding of God did they have that I seemed to lack? I needed to find the spiritual basis of safety, so I really began to search for answers.
The Bible is filled with wonderful examples of safety through faith and spiritual understanding. In the Old Testament it is recorded that Elisha the prophet warned the king of Israel against impending danger from the forces of the king of Syria. See II Kings 6:8–23. Finding out about Elisha, the king of Syria ordered his troops to fetch him.
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January 2, 1989 issue
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A way to begin
LaMeice Harding Schierholz
Learning to see
Kerry M. Knobelsdorff
How can we find time to do what we need to do?
Elaine R. Follis
Safe in the all-presence of God
Joanne Ward Humbert
Stirring winds of thought
Helen G. Hasler
Invitations to the plain of Ono
Joy Able
Rules + work + discipline = freedom
Allison W. Phinney, Jr.
Truth's tenacity
Doris Kerns Quinn
Spiritual persuasions
Michael D. Rissler
Why honesty is important
Jayne Gamble Green
At one point in my life, walking became extremely difficult
James I. Barker
I was a young child when my parents began the study of Christian Science...
Elizabeth Greene Hardy
Every day presents the opportunity for thanksgiving
Marion Guess Price
God's healing power was first evident to my family more than...
Constance Stilwell