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Why I choose Christian Science for healing
Since healing through God's power is central to Christ Jesus' life and teaching, shouldn't it be natural for his followers to turn to God for healing?
I wasn't raised as a Christian Scientist, so I'm generally aware of medical remedies. While growing up, my sisters and I, escorted by our parents, made many trips to our well-liked family doctor. I never thought much about our family's choice of medical treatment. We wanted to be healthy and well, of course. My parents were conscientious and responsible, and I suppose their choice of medical treatment was automatic because they knew of no alternative.
In young adulthood I did begin to think more about health and what promotes it. My deeper thought was prompted by the severe chronic anemia I had suffered for years (and for which I took prescribed medication) and by hearing of healings that friends who were Christian Scientists had experienced through prayer.
My friends offered to share their experiences with me, and I listened. At first it seemed surprising that when faced with illness, they wouldn't want medical treatment or actively seek it out. I wondered if they were forbidden by their church to seek medical help (so difficult was it for me to imagine someone not wanting medical help). But they smiled and said no, explaining that as Christian Scientists they freely chose prayer for healing because they felt it brought them more spiritual well-being and better health than they could find in any other way.
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March 16, 1987 issue
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Why I choose Christian Science for healing
Elaine Natale-Singh
"Evangelicals and pietists, too, early recognized,...
Jaroslav Pelikan
Instantaneous healing: an ultimate goal
James E. Halferty
Dorothy Marie Moran
Putting our trust where it counts—in Spirit
Jane K. Mercereau
The spiritual basis for loving others as ourselves
Margaret Coleman Brown
"And there was a great calm"
Isabel F. Bates
A little prayer
Victor G. Lewis
The "new" medicine
Allison W. Phinney, Jr.
An education for now and the future
Michael D. Rissler
The most precious gift my mother gave my sisters and me was...
Betty Lou Dursley
I would like to share with you some blessings I have received in Christian Science....
Lukebadio Biankatu
Even though I had been raised in Christian Science and had...
Ruth M. Northen with contributions from Leslie P. Northen