[Original in German]

In 1959, I became acquainted with Christian Science through...

In 1959, I became acquainted with Christian Science through a close friend. As I had fallen ill with cholecystitis, she sent me a copy of The Herald of Christian Science and the textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I was enthusiastic, and filled with interest. I read to the middle of the book, then noticed a great stirring in my body, and I was healed of the cholecystitis.

Later I suffered from a slipped disk. It was very painful; I always had a backache. At that time I went to Hamburg to attend a Church of Christ, Scientist, for the first time and spent the day in a Reading Room. There the name of a Christian Science practitioner was given me. I went to see her, and she gave me a treatment. I was amazed, for when I left her, the pain had disappeared. And thus I was again healed, and the back condition has not returned.

There were quite a number of healings in my family as well, including those of colds, effects of accidents, dislocations, scalds, inflammation of the middle ear, severe toothaches, whooping cough, and pain in the knee that prevented me from walking. These healings came about through the prayers of the practitioner and my own trust in God as the only physician and helper.

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Testimony of Healing
For many years now, Christian Science has been an important...
May 24, 1975

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