"God's perennial and happy sunshine"

Have you heard the story about the raven and the robin? One bright, sunny day the raven sat on his branch, glowering. When the robin asked why he was so glum, the raven retorted, "Because it's going to snow." And on other days too, whatever the weather, the raven was always unhappy with it or with the way he thought it was about to become. But on the other hand, the robin was always happy. Rain or shine he was looking on the bright side, always finding something to enjoy.

A lot depends on our point of view.

If we're letting ourselves be influenced by what the material senses are telling us about the atmosphere or the weather, we very likely are also listening to what they're saying about other aspects of our existence—food, home, health, friends, employment, and so on.

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For Justice and Peace
April 6, 1974

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