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New Year Celebrations
For many people the last stroke of midnight on December 31 is momentous. Each year they look upon it as the starting signal to take the first step on a newly opened section of the highway of human existence. They see the whole year that lies ahead as an opportunity to be better men and women, to establish healthier habits and happier relationships. They make resolutions actually to accomplish the good that has too often before stayed in the planning stage.
While students of Christian Science may join companionably in traditional New Year festivities with friends and relatives, and respond with warmth to the general exchange of good wishes for happiness and prosperity, this particular season has for them no outstanding significance calling for material celebration. They have learned that God, the divine Father and Mother of all, is omnipresent, and that as a consequence they, and all other men and women, are perpetually at the standpoint of infinite good. They know that as the offspring of God they always have the joy of expressing the spiritual qualities of divine Principle, of infinite Love, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. They recognize that, as Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health: "Man, governed by immortal Mind, is always beautiful and grand. Each succeeding year unfolds wisdom, beauty, and holiness." Science and Health, p. 246;
So, each moment of every year can be considered an occasion to celebrate, that is to express, more of the vitality of eternal Life, to develop and display more of Spirit's sublime qualities and energies. It is an opportunity to demonstrate more of Truth's affluence, to progress into a clearer consciousness of infinite Love's presence and power, to demonstrate the brotherhood of man under God's law through richer, warmer relationships, and to experience the care and guidance of divine Principle in the ascending journey to the high goal of completely spiritual thinking and living. Each day, including New Year's Day, is equally an occasion to uplift thought to know and to demonstrate that which is spiritually real and entirely satisfying.
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December 29, 1973 issue
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How Do You Read Me?
Compassion: The "preparation of the heart"
Edgar Isaac Newgass
Eleanor Young Clapp
Appreciating One Another
Carl J. Welz
New Year Celebrations
Naomi Price
I must express my deep felt gratitude for having been led to...
Celine Bauman with contributions from Raymond Bauman
As a teen-ager, nearly fifty years ago, I started to attend the...
Kathleen Bruce with contributions from Wallace J. Bruce
I am deeply grateful for the lifetime of blessings Christian Science...
Ruth Bailey Stephens
A year ago one of the greatest blessings possible to our family...
Nancy H. Mattingly