I was brought up in an orthodox church, and there came a...

I was brought up in an orthodox church, and there came a time when I questioned the Biblical words, "In my flesh shall I see God" (Job 19:26). No explanation came from my church, but I am a teacher of singing and, at that time, had two Christian Science pupils. Their answers to this question were so very clear and understandable that I felt I had touched the hem of Truth's garment. They gave me some books by Mrs. Eddy and some copies of the Sentinel and I loved them.

I then asked if I might be allowed to read the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. This was at a period when I was suffering from nervous exhaustion and had been staying in bed. Our neighbor also was ill, and I wanted to help him, though I never thought I'd be able to. However, after three days in bed, during which time I spent many hours reading the textbook, I came downstairs and said to my husband and sister, "I don't need any more meals in bed or any more medicine. I don't know what has happened, but I am all right now." That was over twenty years ago, and I have not had a recurrence of this difficulty. I was also able to be of assistance to our neighbor, who is now well over eighty years old and still active.

Christian Science has protected and preserved me wonderfully through the years. I became a member of The Mother Church and of a branch church. Science and Health and Mrs. Eddy's other writings have been my companions.

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Words of Current Interest
August 19, 1972

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