The garage mechanic and I both stared at the little auto part that had just fallen to the concrete floor of his shop and broken, cleanly, in two! What had begun as a simple job of putting a new gasket over the part to prevent leakage now became a minor disaster.
Work in Christian Science is the effort we put forth to understand and affirm the spiritual perfection of God and man, and to reject as false any material evidence that contradicts it.
Pierce Thompson
with contributions from Edith J. Thompson
After over thirty years of total dependence on Christian Science, I feel it is high time for me to express profound gratitude for this wondrous, really practical religion.
Barbara-Jean Stinson
with contributions from Clarence J. Stinson, Jr.
My mother placed me in a Christian Science Sunday School at an early age, and throughout my childhood I enjoyed the protective benefits of regular Sunday School attendance.
Peggie J. McClure Lighthill
with contributions from Paul E. Lighthill
An abundance of the good things of human living, including many years of fruitful employment and service up through the ranks to a position in management, a lovely home, fine' friends, and a wonderful sense of peace and freedom from care of any kind have been mine because of the sincere desire to put God first.
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