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Since I was raised in a Christian Science home, attended the...
Since I was raised in a Christian Science home, attended the Christian Science Sunday School until I was twenty, and have closely adhered to its teachings, it should come as no surprise to me that this marvelous religion can present the answers to virtually impossible situations. I would like to share two experiences that have been of particular significance to me while attending college.
The first instance is that of a physical healing. In my sophomore year I was involved in an automobile accident when the brakes on the car I was driving failed to operate. The laws of physics would dictate that due to the impact of the automobiles I could have experienced symptoms of concussion, whiplash, shock, and so forth. I did not experience any discomfort whatever! I am certain that my protection was due entirely to my firm conviction that God is good; that there could not possibly be an ignorant, or negligent force governing man, for God governs His universe with order and harmony; that each of His ideas, as man, moves in perfect accord, never harming or endangering another. To me and to my friends who knew of the accident, the proof of God's care was the fact that I was able to take my final exams the next week with complete freedom and excellent results.
The second experience I'd like to express gratitude for is of an academic nature. In my junior year of college I was faced with a most difficult situation. To put it simply, it was a matter of seeming to need to be in two places at once. I was scheduled to take a final exam at the same time I had a previous obligation to judge a high school speech contest. I realized the conflict only two days beforehand, and at first the feelings of frustration and tenseness made me confused so that I couldn't seem to think clearly. Then as I had been taught to do in Christian Science, I turned to God for help. I knew that God is divine Mind—infinite intelligence. Nothing is impossible to the all-knowing One.
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January 22, 1972 issue
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Healing the Heart
Overcoming or Tolerating Difficulties
Relieving the Pressure of Time
The Answer to Pornography
Keeping Calm
Neil Millar
Let's Not Brace Against Change
Which College for You?
Robert Howard Zeller
Step by Step
Alan A. Aylwin
Healing Through Spiritual Love
Naomi Price
The revelation to Mary Baker Eddy of the Christ Science, which...
Jane Huelster Hanson with contributions from Walter A. Hanson, Fay D. Huelster
This testimony is long overdue
Virginia Muir with contributions from E. G. Muir
"And a little child shall lead them" is a statement from the Bible...
Joyce H. Bock with contributions from Richard R. Bock
Unzip the Rabbit!
by Rosemary Cobham