Typewriters fling noise-pellets at the air;Telephones spurt their little jets of belling;Throughout the city, rumbling, roaring, yelling,Din burns and beats at every thoroughfare.
Jane Huelster Hanson
with contributions from Walter A. Hanson, Fay D. Huelster
The revelation to Mary Baker Eddy of the Christ Science, which Christ Jesus taught and demonstrated, has been steadily unfolding its light to me as I have lived its spirit of peace, joy, and divine contentment that heals.
When my children were very young, they attended the Christian Science Sunday School through the care of a dear relative who was a devoted student of Christian Science.
Since I was raised in a Christian Science home, attended the Christian Science Sunday School until I was twenty, and have closely adhered to its teachings, it should come as no surprise to me that this marvelous religion can present the answers to virtually impossible situations.
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