How many times a day the city dweller hears the scream of a siren piercing the air either close at hand or in the distance! It has an eerie sound, yet because of its frequency most people hardly notice the ugly noise, or perhaps they just wonder what calamity has taken place and then drop the matter.
How often we hear or use the phrase, "Thanks in advance!" For small favors or for large, when we are confident they will be granted, we express our gratitude in advance.
Even if he feels that he will not be ready for class instruction for some time to come, every sincere student of Christian Science would do well to think about this progressive step now—to cherish it and pray to be receptive to it whenever it may be right for him.
People who do not understand the teachings of Christian Science sometimes question the stand that a student of this Science takes in regard to the treatment of disease, especially when the case is that of a young child.
I am grateful that my parents took up the study of Christian Science while I was still young enough to enjoy the privilege of attending the Sunday School for a few years.
In the resurrection and ascension, Jesus showed that the understanding of man as Christian Science reveals him is able to overcome every material condition and evil presentation.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts, U.
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