In the summer of 1964, while attending camp, I had a very...

In the summer of 1964, while attending camp, I had a very serious case of ivy poisoning. When the time came for me to go to camp the following year, I was quite fearful of becoming infected again. Being a pupil in the Christian Science Sunday School, and having been a Christian Scientist all the eleven years of my life, I immediately started to correct this fearful thinking. I spent the week before camp started denouncing mortal mind and establishing the fact of God's ever-presence in my consciousness.

Before I arrived at camp, I protected my thought with three truths: 1 . God made man perfect in His image and likeness; 2. "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good" (Gen.1:31), and "every thing" includes all expressions of Life; 3. Nothing made by God can hurt another of God's ideas. With these truths I quickly saw the nothingness of my fear and no longer let it govern me.

Then one day at camp I was out collecting firewood when I spotted a stick. In picking it up, I saw a small plant entangled on the wood. I untangled the plant and looked down to see that the plant I was holding was a poison ivy plant. I felt no fear at all, but immediately declared the three truths stated above. I then put down the plant and went to join the other girls. No ill effects of the encounter were found on the body. All was harmonious.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science has been my constant companion and my only...
November 19, 1966

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