, firmness of character, and righteous purpose enabled prophets and apostles centuries ago, even though at times confronted with enormous obstacles, to preach the truth.
In these lines from the poem "Rabbi Ben Ezra,"' Robert Browning stirringly expresses the thought that obstacles and trials have a salutary effect if they push us onward in our journey Spiritward.
A high-spirited
riding horse trotting along an open road has been known to show fear amounting to uncontrolled alarm at the sight of a bit of paper stirred by a breeze.
Memorial Day
in the United States provides the occasion to commemorate the lives of those whose sacrifices in the military service of their country have contributed greatly to the freedom which people of many countries continue to enjoy.
People of many religious denominations, and in all walks of life, obviously are reaching out for spiritual answers to the many problems, fears, and apprehensions that seem to be part of space-age living.
A little
more grace, a motive made pure, a few truths tenderly told, a heart softened, a character subdued, a life consecrated, would restore the right action of the mental mechanism, and make manifest the movement of body and soul in accord with God".
Christian Science
had been in our home as long as I can remember, and I attended a Christian Science Sunday School; but during my time at college, and in the years following, I did not really work very hard at my study of it.
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