In humble gratitude to God for...

In humble gratitude to God for Christian Science, I should like to relate an experience which taught me a helpful lesson. The lesson I learned was that I needed to be more loving and that Love heals.

My mother and I were taking a trip to another city to attend a meeting which meant a great deal to us. As we started on our way, it was apparent that my mother found the trip trying, and by the time we reached our destination she was exhausted.

About two o'clock in the morning she was very ill and woke me. I was overwhelmed by the situation and felt that if only we were at home I could bear it; but for her to be ill in a hotel in a strange city at two o'clock in the morning was more than I could bear. I thought if she had only told me she did not feel well enough to make the trip, we could have stayed at home.

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Testimony of Healing
By the study and application of...
September 29, 1962

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