heavenward-looking thinkers in various historical instances have come revelations of the Christ, which redeems men from the delusions of material sense.
the centuries thinkers have wondered and yearned to know what it was that Jesus knew which enabled him to face the world of his day with unparalleled confidence and authority.
to his disciples of the inevitable destruction of all materiality, the master Metaphysician said: "When ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass.
brings the light of Truth to bear upon vague or mistaken concepts of God, and shows Him to be divine Principle, expressed in His idea, spiritual man.
vibrant were the hills of BethlehemThat Christmas morning when the angels sangOf peace on earth; how roundly echoes rangUntil it seemed the mountains spoke with them!How truly wise those sages who discernedThat gleaming star set in the eastern sky—Who recognized the star of prophecy,And homeward to the Christ their footsteps turned!
with contributions from John A. Nance, Ernst Johannes, Edward Grimes, Henry Orange Glidden, George W. Jaeger, Alfred Johnson, Margaret Root Zahler, Roy M. Mumma
with contributions from CHARLES BENNETT READ
In gratitude for the many healings received through the help of Christian Science I give this testimony, hoping it may encourage others to heed the injunction, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
More than thirty years ago, my mother left her home and family in small mountain town, to go to a lower altitude, with the sentence of death from heart trouble upon her should she return.
The printed Tenets of The Mother Church are in general use by branch churches and societies, either as a basis for their application forms for admission to membership or for binding into their by-law booklets.
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with contributions from John A. Nance, Ernst Johannes, Edward Grimes, Henry Orange Glidden, George W. Jaeger, Alfred Johnson, Margaret Root Zahler, Roy M. Mumma