whole world is seeking for happiness; and each individual has his own concept of what that happiness includes, and of what he feels it necessary to do in order to obtain it.
to gain a lesson from circumstances which had for some time disturbed her usual quiet hours of study, a student of Christian Science stood at the window looking down upon a mass of building materials which were being used in the erection of a schoolhouse near her home.
had been attending the Christian Science Sunday School for several years, but on the opening day of school he discovered that in his excitement he had forgotten to take with him several things necessary for his work, namely, a pencil, some paper, and a pen; and, as he explained to his mother that evening, the day had been decidedly unsatisfactory.
birds' awakeningMy heart shall soar and sing;O let the Christ be praised!No lurking ghost of fearHas any foothold here;O let the Christ be praised!What unity divineOur shining eyes define,If we the Christ will praise;All purposes sincereA meeting place find here—O let the Christ be praised!And as we grasp God's hand,We learn to understand—O let the Christ be praised!See man's awakeningTo Love's eternal spring—O let the Christ be praised!And so throughout the worldHis banner is unfurled—O let the Christ be praised!The truth we see and knowIn every heart shall glow,And all accord Him praise.
Herold Molter, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
I am confident that you will welcome a statement regarding references to Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, which occur in an article in your issue of August 3.
George West, Committee on Publication for Federated Malay States,
My attention has been drawn to a reference to Christian Science in your message "To the Parishioners," appearing in the November issue of your Parish of Selangor Church Magazine.
is not determined by the passing of time, but by the gain of spiritual understanding, and the consequent passing away of ignorance and superstition.
with contributions from Charles E. Stocks, Hanny Moecklin-Pohl, Jane Stemm, Christian Hofmann, Marion H. Beckett, Ada Roach, Elsie V. Laverick, Charles L. Chandler, Jean Daggett Paul
Francis Henry Beardshaw
with contributions from Dorothy Beardshaw
As a result of a wonderful instantaneous healing in our home, we became interested in Christian Science about twelve years ago, and although at that time I was definitely antagonistic to what, in my ignorance, I understood Christian Science to be, the proof afforded by this remarkable demonstration of healing was so emphatic I could not but seek the explanation.
in the valley, held by indecision,Darkened by shadows—merely marking time—We long for light to purify our vision,And pray that strength be given us to climb.
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws.
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with contributions from Charles E. Stocks, Hanny Moecklin-Pohl, Jane Stemm, Christian Hofmann, Marion H. Beckett, Ada Roach, Elsie V. Laverick, Charles L. Chandler, Jean Daggett Paul