long centuries mortals have been asking their fellowmen what they thought concerning Christ, whether they accepted the dogmas of some particular church or denied them.
eastern Magi possess an attraction which has permeated all the Christian church, because of the record of their appearance at the manger wherein lay the infant Jesus.
A heritage
may be defined as that which is inherited, as an estate, quality, or condition, and it is said to attach to an individual by operation of law.
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa, Pella
Although regretful that criticism of Christian Science was given space in a recent issue of the Baptist Record, and on the front page of that publication, I appreciate your contributor's avowal of freedom from intentional unkindness, bigotry, and intolerance in connection with what he wrote.
power of sin destroyed; the fetters sore,Of pain, unloosed; the falsity of fearExposed; the hurt that biteth to the coreAll healed; the sorrow deep, the bitter tear,All wiped away! Jesus, our hearts to theeAre turned to praise thy glorious ministry.
[From the Semiannual Report of Committee on Christian Science Activities for the Army and Navy in San Diego District from December 1, 1927, to June 1, 1928]
we undertake to define the reasons why all Christendom celebrates the birth of the Saviour, there would be a variety of answers, and prominent among them would probably be this: Because it marks the beginning of the earthly experience of him who, above all others that have lived on earth, recognized most completely the fatherhood of God and, in consequence, the brotherhood of man.
whole of Christendom celebrates in some form or other the birth of Christ Jesus, for there is not a single Christian worthy of the name who does not realize something of the debt of gratitude the entire world owes to him who is honored by the name of Saviour.
Christian Science
teaches that our duty towards God is to seek to express every true quality joyously, continuously, without regard to circumstances; for, as our beloved Leader, Mrs.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
When I first heard of Christian Science I did not take it up for healing, but for a better understanding of God and man's relation to Him; and I immediately found that which I had been seeking for many years—the truth that makes free.
A dear friend, apparently on the point of passing on while under medical treatment, turned to Christian Science; and it was the wonderful benefit which she received that aroused my deep interest in the subject.
more the bells ring out their pealsAs heralds of the dawn;The Word goes forth with joy and hope:To us the Christ is born!Thus Love, awakened in each heart,Steals forth to bless and cheer,And wipe away with mighty powerEarth's unavailing tear;Thus to the listening ear there comesA wondrous sweet refrain:Lo, peace on earth, good will to men!The Christ's eternal strain.
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