season again approaches when it has been the custom for generations to set apart a day of thanksgiving for the blessings which the Giver of all good and perfect gifts has bestwed upon us during the year.
Thanksgiving Day the whole nation is called upon to render thanks to God for national prosperity, as well as for community and individual blessings.
understanding of the allness of God, a faith in His omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, a willingness to listen to the "still small voice," is the basic ground for all right thinking; and good thoughts and constant desire to do right are fundamentals of good character building.
, purifying and refreshing as the spring which bursts from the mountain side, is a natural quality of spiritual man; but because mortals are still manifesting, in greater or less degree, the traits of Adam, or the false concept of man, they may have only a slight understanding of what constitutes genuine gratitude.
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
One of a series of religious addresses now being given over station WABC, operated by the Atlantic Broadcasting Corporation, in this city, was radiocast yesterday [October 28] at 5 p.
Everett P. Clark, Committee on Publication for the State of Washington,
We appreciate your acknowledgment of the beneficial influence of the Christian Science movement, as expressed in an editorial comment in a recent issue of your paper.
with contributions from Burton R. Cole, William R. Stout, Elizabeth Brightmore, Edith Bee Kalvog, Frank Saddler, Margaret E. A. Crawford, Hamilton Coleman
Irene Ruth Wyles
with contributions from Thos. A. Wyles
Three years ago, while I was on holiday in Sydney, I was hurrying out of the rain from a tram to the shelter of a veranda when, as I reached the footpath, my foot slipped, and in endeavoring to recover my balance I felt the bones in my leg below the knee break.
I am sincerely grateful for all that Christian Science has done for me, for mine, and for mankind We have had many wonderful proofs of the efficacy of Christian Science healing and of God's omnipotence and omnipresence.
I have been interested in Christian Science for a number of years, and wish to express my gratitude for what it has done for both myself and my little son.
When I attended a Wednesday evening meeting in a Church of Christ, Scientist, for the first time, at the beginning of the year 1919, I did not think of physical healing, for I had never been seriously ill; but I was in that condition of which Jesus says, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Love that wilt not let us goHowever far we stray,Thou Love that shed'st Thy friendly lightAlong our darkest way,In vain we would from Thee depart,In vain alone would go,But Love that knows nor time nor spaceDoes all His children know.
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with contributions from Burton R. Cole, William R. Stout, Elizabeth Brightmore, Edith Bee Kalvog, Frank Saddler, Margaret E. A. Crawford, Hamilton Coleman