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[Original testimony in German]
In December, 1921, I was taken ill with inflammation of...
In December, 1921, I was taken ill with inflammation of the knee joint. At first I was greatly frightened, because in the spring of 1920 I had been in a hospital with the same complaint for six weeks, and it had caused me suffering for months. I knew of Christian Science at that time, but various circumstances prevented me from gaining harmony. The attack in December, 1921, was very acute, and the physician, whom I was obliged to call in compliance with the rules of my occupation, ordered the strictest rest in bed. However, I wished to visit a Christian Science practitioner, and so, suffering severe pain, I walked down the four flights of stairs from my apartment and, leaning on a cane, reached the street car with difficulty. The conductor nearly lifted me into the car. During the treatment, which was lovingly given at once, I felt the pain in my knee joint begin to yield. Almost without pain, and with a happy feeling in my heart, I walked downstairs and then home, going out of my way to do some shopping. I walked for about an hour and a half without feeling any pain; and I did not go to bed again because of the trouble. After a few treatments I was completely healed of this complaint.
One Wednesday in April, 1922, I felt very feverish, and all the symptoms of the grippe were perceptible. I worked mentally against these symptoms as well as I understood how, and went to the Wednesday evening testimony meeting. At the close of the meeting I asked a practitioner for help. I was not afraid; for I knew that God, Love, is ever present, and that evil must give way to good. The next day I felt very much better. After two more treatments I was completely healed, and have had no attacks since. Formerly I had very often been obliged to stay away from my occupation for several weeks at a time on account of the grippe and so-called catarrh.
My mother, who had been visibly declining for months, was taken seriously ill in February, 1922. She collapsed, and I put her to bed. Her feet were badly swollen. It was only after a week, when her condition was growing more and more hopeless, that she asked for Christian Science treatment. Absent treatment was given her. A few days later she was able to leave her bed; and her feet, which had had open wounds upon them for nearly twenty years, were healed. She was restored to health again, and was full of joy. She thanks God and Christian Science with all her heart. Since then we have experienced many big and little blessings. It can never be dark around me; for "the Lord is my light and my salvation."
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May 8, 1926 issue
View Issue-
Complete Unity
Watching Which Heals
The Blessed Now
Rules of Order
"Neither beginning of days, nor end of life"
In the Sunday Oregonian an article, "My Religion,"...
Theodore Burkhardt, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
Your correspondent repeats his assertion that Christian Science...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
We have just been handed a copy of a recent issue of your...
George C. Palmer. Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada,
In a paper read at the annual retreat of the Bendigo Presbytery...
J. Ormiston Thomson, Committee on Publication for Victoria, Australia,
In a recent issue of your paper, "The Daily Clinic"...
Richard E. Prince, Committee on Publication for the State of Virginia,
On the Overcoming of Evil
Albert F. Gilmore
Duncan Sinclair
Individual Rights
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Bliss Knapp, Julia M. Johnston
It is fifteen years since Christian Science came to me in...
Irene M. Preble
I was brought up in a so-called orthodox church, taught...
Herbert H. Norsworthy
Christian Science came to me at a time when I thought...
Hattie E. Wilson
In December, 1921, I was taken ill with inflammation of...
Anna Dietzmann
In the years that I have been interested in Christian Science...
Torrance R. Laing
It was a desire for healing which led me into Christian Science,...
Lellice L. Douty
In July, 1922, I was attacked with a severe illness...
Rose Chapuis with contributions from Lea Chapuis
So much good has come to me through the study and...
Willa C. Harman
It is with gratitude that I testify to the many blessings...
Virginia Woods