are told that when the children of Israel, fleeing before the wrath of Pharaoh, reached the shores of the Red Sea and were seemingly shut off from all escape, they were sore afraid.
student of Christian Science, earnestly striving to work out the problem of being, very soon realizes that the unfoldment and demonstration in the individual consciousness of a correct understanding of God, and of man's relation to God, is the task set before him by the Scriptural admonition to "work out your own salvation.
, as God's children, we are commissioned to wage a warfare against the evil beliefs that beset the human race, until Soul reigns triumphant.
the student of Christian Science who can valiantly meet the claims of sickness seems to lose his weapons of warfare when that slinking old enemy, discouragement, sneaks upon him unawares.
S. Britton R. Foster, Committee on Publication for Ontario, Canada,
Your issue of recent date contained a report of a sermon on "Church Union," in which a clergyman intimated that Christian Scientists might join the United Church of Canada, because in "essential agreement" with its new creed.
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
In your issue of recent date a clergyman, commenting on a Christian Science lecture published in the Tribune, assails the lecturer's statement that early in the second chapter of Genesis a "mist" arose and hid from view the ideal creation described in the first chapter of Genesis.
John W. Harwood, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
A certain clergyman was right in stating that much interest has been aroused in spiritual healing as a result of the faith-healing mission in Bradford.
worshiped God!Three times each dayLike Daniel he kneltIn humble, earnest prayer;Nay, not alone on bended knee,But e'en throughout his waking hoursHis thought was filled with gratitude—With gratitude and praise and glory songsTo his creator!And in humility for growth in grace he prayedTo worship more:He worshiped God!
with contributions from Mary A. McCollom, Elizabeth B. Lemen, Walter W. MacGregor
"Every day since I left the Christian Science sanatorium I have wanted to write and express my gratitude for the privilege of spending a few weeks in that beautiful expression of home, but somehow I could not seem to find words.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, five weeks before; in other European countries, six weeks before.
Agnes Galloway Howie
with contributions from Andrew John Howie
In the autumn of 1913 an advertisement of a lecture on Christian Science so impressed me that I felt nothing must be allowed to keep me from attending it.
From the age of five years until I was eighteen, I tried to learn to read; but, due to a set of unruly nerves, at the age of eighteen I could read only the first half of the third reader.
I sometimes think, as I contemplate the marvels wrought by Christian Science in the thoughts of men and in their conscious living, that few could have had more reasons than I to be grateful for this redeeming knowledge.
It is about six years since I first became interested in Christian Science, having previously searched long and fruitlessly for health through every avenue of theory and medicine.
Articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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