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The statement that environment is thought manifested, may...
The statement that environment is thought manifested, may sound too transcendental and impractical for many motorists to accept; nevertheless, the statement is true. The conditions under which we individually and collectively live are the direct reflection of our mental condition. There was a time when this was an almost universally scouted theory; but a few thinkers in every age have grasped its reality, and by demonstration have proved its truth for all time. It is being proved more generally today than at any period in the world's history. Few thinkers now deny that exact thinking about one's self produces health, and that, when applied to other conditions generally considered intolerable, it brings about right conditions.
History's pages are full of the records of the experiences of those who by right thinking have triumphed over seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The world has in the past been taught to view these demonstrations as miraculous or supernatural, as violations of the laws of nature, etc. But today we are learning that these experiences were neither supernatural nor preternatural, but supremely natural. Should not success seem more real than failure, peace more real than discord, health more real than sickness, and life more real than death? There are not two causes—good and evil—warring against each other for supremacy. Cause is one, and that one is good. If we will accept this fact and hold to it in the face of all that would tempt us to deny it, we shall invariably triumph. But, you ask, what has all this to do with motor cars and motoring? Just this: If motorists would give as much time to thinking along positive, constructive lines as they now give to thinking and talking negatively about "tire trouble," "engine trouble," and other kinds of trouble, they would have little difficulty with their cars, and tours would seldom be marred by interruptions or accidents. Thousands of years ago a patriarch, when overwhelmed by a sense of care and trouble, cried, "The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of has come unto me." Therefore, unless we would have these conditions, let us stop worrying about our tires and our engines; let us stop predicting trouble, disappointment, and possible disaster for our motor trips. The discords that are now being accepted as inevitable accompaniments of motoring, can be prevented proportionably as we exclude them from our thoughts and instead insist upon right and good as the only realities.
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September 20, 1913 issue
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Hindrances to Healing Overcome
"Out of the mouth of babes"
Childhood and Christian Science
"Follow me"
Our Highest Concept
The Awakening
The reference to Christian Science by Pastor Modersohn,...
Frederick Dixon
In a recent article upholding Dr. Osler's position on the...
W. C. Williams
After reading Dr. Atkinson's letter in a recent issue, it...
H. Farmer Hall
"When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth...
Renata Hermes King
No one can deny that for everything which exists, including...
John W. Harwood
"Deliver us from evil"
Archibald McLellan
Our Larger Privilege
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from R. B. Reed, L. E. Baird, J. P. Pryor, Wallace Smith, J. Bouldin Rector
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
I desire to tell my first experience in Christian Science, with...
Edward F. Gibson with contributions from Elmere Brown
It was through reading the testimonies in the Sentinel sent...
Blanche Austin Wharton
Having suffered from nervous and stomach trouble, with...
Bessie Down Patterson
Christian Science came to me at a time when I was greatly...
Rosa Hiltbrand
Christian Science has opened for me the door to a spiritual...
Estelle M. Geshwind
For the sake of suffering humanity, I desire to submit this...
E. F. Shackleford
Sand, or Rock?
From Our Exchanges
R. J. Campbell