The Amazon exploration expedition sent out by the University of Pennsylvania several months ago has just reported reaching Caracari, a small settlement at the headwaters of navigation on the Rio Branco and near the borders of the Guianas, in South America.
one who was grown up before he embraced Christian Science, and who has experienced the severe mental conflicts which accompany the overthrow of stubborn false beliefs and habits, I was pleased to observe, while engaged in Christian Science Sunday school work, the ease with which the children grasp the deeper meanings of spiritual truth.
our Master was asked by the rich young man what he should do to inherit eternal life, it is noteworthy that Jesus first referred him to those commandments which relate to man's duty to his neighbor.
The reference to Christian Science by Pastor Modersohn, in your issue of the 28th of June, contains a misconception of Christian Science so common that I hope you will permit me to correct it.
I note in a recent issue the report of the trial of a Christian Science practitioner of Canyon City, Texas, for healing a man by prayer without a license to practise medicine.
The statement that environment is thought manifested, may sound too transcendental and impractical for many motorists to accept; nevertheless, the statement is true.
The critics might be able to tell us whether God made evil and sickness, since according to John, God made every thing that was made, "and without him was not any thing made that was made;" and whether it would be right to call them good, seeing that "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.
Christian people are familiar with Paul's statement, "Every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things;" to which he adds that those to whom he chiefly referred, the Roman soldiers with whom he had been so closely associated during his two years' imprisonment in the fortress at Caesarea, did this "to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.
It was through reading the testimonies in the Sentinel sent me by a Scientist who heard of my condition, that I was encouraged to try Christian Science, and a desire to help others prompts me to acknowledge through its pages my healing, which occurred nine years ago.
Having suffered from nervous and stomach trouble, with its attendant ills, since my earliest recollection, and not receiving even temporary help from materia medica, change of climate, etc.
A certain
house was builded fair to see,With massive walls and stately towers,Which through the passing sunlit hoursEchoed the sound of joyous minstrelsy.
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