A resolve of the Massachusetts Senate provides that the Governor, with the advice and consent of the council, shall appoint a commission of seven citizens of the commonwealth, to consider in what manner Massachusetts may best cooperate with the federal government in the construction of a ship canal—free and open to the commerce of the world and without toll for the passage of freight across the state, as now being surveyed by the engineers of the war department.
A Proper
sense of individualism is most requisite in a progressive community; more particularly in a democracy where common responsibility and common equality constitute the principal features which render individual uplift indispensable for democratic growth.
time ago the writer had an experience which brought home to him most vividly the faithfulness and devotion of the Discoverer of Christian Science, which enabled her to reveal God to a suffering world as the divine Principle of being.
working out the problems of daily life, one thing that seems to hinder the progress of many who are taking their first steps in Christian Science is a desire to outline or direct the way in which they desire the truth to act.
error's darkness, not a ray of light;I stumbled on and knew not where to go,While phantom forms of fear's unholy showPursued and harassed me upon my flight:Thou, Love, wast there, and not with earthly mightDestroyed these terrors—bade me stop and knowThyself and Thine.
Our critic, in his frank and fearless inquiry into the nature of prayer, correctly states the position of the Christian Scientists, who hold it to be the natural result of God's law for sickness as well as sin to disappear before the light of spiritual understanding.
Christian Science should not be confounded with the Emmanuel movement or Christian psychology, and it is not the exercise of one human mind over another human mind and body; it does not depend on the will-power of the practitioner or the patient.
has been said and written by people quite outside the ranks of Christian Science, in commendation of the optimism and serenity of the followers of this teaching, as shown in their bearing and in their disposition; and to a large degree this commendation has been deserved, although Christian Scientists themselves have been more or less unconscious of the "outward appearance" which has attracted the attention of their friends.
that wonderful story of the healing of a blind man, given in the ninth chapter of John, Jesus asked the man, soon after his healing, "Dost thou believe on the Son of God?
exalting the priesthood of Christ Jesus, the writer of the epistle to the Hebrews notes its superiority to every ecclesiastical or hereditary rank and authority, in that it manifests "the power of an endless life.
with contributions from Miss Corey, Donald J. MacGregor, John D. Works, Harry T. Kyle, James P. Whitney
Few lectures delivered in Bartlesville have aroused so much comment as did that of Frank Leonard, the Christian Scientist, at the Court House last night [Jan.
My first impression of Christian Science came nearly twelve years ago, through some copies of the Christian Science Journal that were loaned me by a friend who, though not a Scientist, had some faith that my sister might be helped by it.
It is now four years since I became interested in Christian Science, and it is with a heart overflowing with gratitude for what it has done and is doing for me that I send my testimony, trusting that some one may be led to investigate this grand truth, and find it all that is claimed for it.
When I recall the proofs that it has been my privilege to witness of God's power as demonstrated in Christian Science, my heart is filled with joy and hope.
A few years ago I heard of Christian Science through dear friends, and saw that the truth works changes in every way; that whereas my friends used to suffer a great deal, they had become well; and this gave me hope that I too might be helped and brought nearer to God.
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