is the custom of the Governor of Massachusetts annually to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the commonwealth to assemble in their churches for the observance of Lincoln day, and in accordance with this proclamation The Mother Church and the branch churches in Massachusetts hold a service on that day.
A little
over two years ago, while lying in the hospital, trying to decide whether to submit to a very critical operation which materia medica said was my only hope for relief, or to turn to Christian Science, I awakened one morning with these beautiful words from Isaiah's prophecy coming to me over and over again: "Arise, shine; for thy light is come.
The faith that somehow, in ways we cannot see and understand, this external life is not all of it; that we are not the victims, but in the end the masters, of material forces; that "life is just a stuff to try the soul's strength on;" and that that soul is at home in God's universe not less when beyond than when within our ken, truth still its aim, beauty still its atmosphere, goodness still the law of its being,—this faith, how it is strengthened, how it is broadened, how it is deepened, by the reflection that it is expressive of the natural yearning of every human heart!
The writer in American Medicine, whose remarks on Christian Science are quoted in a recent issue of a New Orleans newspaper, gives himself unnecessary anguish when he assumes that his readers need to be warned against Christian Science.
Statistics show that in some localities more than one hundred, out of every thousand persons born, die in childhood, and this occurs among classes who do not believe in Christian Science and who have nothing whatever to do with it.
The fact is that too few persons have entered into that moral expectancy which gives the highest uplift to life and which is expressed by the apostle in the words: "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
Christ Jesus had not proved the truth of all he claimed himself to be, he would have gone down to history as the supreme egoist, for in all the centuries none other has shown such a daring of spiritual assumption.
students of the Bible are familiar with the warning words quoted from the Psalms, in the third chapter of Paul's epistle to the Hebrews: "Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy, Ira O. Knapp, J. Newton Conger, E. Fennema, Gerard J. Krüsemann, Anna E. Caldwell, Ella Pence Ellis, Lillian E. Denny, Laura E. Bennett, Wm. C. Keith, Fannie Lavina Pike
At Christmas time I behold, though but dimly, the illumination which comes to all true followers of our beloved Leader, who has given us, through her untiring labor and boundless love, our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
While at dinner one Sunday, during the winter of 1904, I attempted to swallow a piece of meat, and it became lodged in the lower part of the passage to the stomach.
We thank God for the quick healing of our little girl's eye through Christian Science treatment, and we feel very grateful for the quick results gained through the work of a Christian Science practitioner.
In October, 1908, I was taken with a severe attack of neuralgia in its worst form, and seeing that I could not master it myself, my husband called a Christian Science practitioner by telephone.
In grateful acknowledgment of help received through Christian Science I lovingly submit the following testimony: About a year ago, I was awakened very early one morning with the most acute suffering in my arm, and found that I could not raise it at all.
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with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy, Ira O. Knapp, J. Newton Conger, E. Fennema, Gerard J. Krüsemann, Anna E. Caldwell, Ella Pence Ellis, Lillian E. Denny, Laura E. Bennett, Wm. C. Keith, Fannie Lavina Pike