It is with love and the deepest gratitude that these words...

It is with love and the deepest gratitude that these words are written in testimony of the blessing Christian Science is to me. One year ago a friend told me of this Science, and of her healing. It seemed that this saving truth was just what was needed by me and in our home. The condition of my mother, who lives with us, could scarcely have been worse, both mentally and physically, and my own condition, supposedly from overwork, was serious. Having confidence in the promise of relief, and realizing the seriousness of my mother's case, I was led to go to a practitioner. Mother at once began to read Science and Health; in three weeks my own ailments were met, and mother's troubles began to disappear. She read daily, and surely and gradually improvement was apparent,—the mental faculties were restored and the kidney trouble entirely healed. Each day brought to her the sweet assurance of the Father's love in the beautiful words of Science and Health and the Science literature, making true to her the promises in the Bible.

One Sunday morning she manifested signs of an attack which had come about every six months. We applied for help to a practitioner, and this thought was uppermost, "Lo, I am with you alway." Knowing that God is the only power, the seeming power of the error was denied, till the struggle ceased in about ten minutes and a restful sleep followed. When mother sat up she asked for Science and Health, ate her dinner as usual, and was able to go upstairs at night unaided; the attack leaving no bad result as formerly. Under materia medica she had been helpless for a period of six weeks.

This was a wonderful demonstration to us, and proved without question in our home the allness of God. There are six members of our family, and from that time the Science healing has been received by all, and many beautiful demonstrations have been made, especially with the little ones. During a case of illness, when the older child seemed to have it especially severe, we turned in perfect confidence to Truth, knowing that "there is no power apart from God" (Science and Health, p. 228), and thus the disease was met and mastered. Not long ago a little one of three and a half years caught her finger in the wringer, crushing it very badly. Realizing at once the unreality of pain and the allness of God, a practitioner was telephoned, and in fifteen minutes the child was quiet. A prayer went to the Father, knowing that perfect healing would be realized; and it was, the scar fast disappearing and the nail being perfectly replaced.

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Testimony of Healing
Nothing real has ever been accomplished except when...
October 13, 1906

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