The Master's Test of True Discipleship

As the result of study and growth in Christian Science, new views of Truth and Love are constantly unfolding in human consciousness. When it occurred to me to give to others through the Sentinel some thoughts that I find helpful, something said, There have been so many articles about love in the Sentinel of late that yours is nothing new, and it will probably be superfluous. However, I remembered that no two of these articles had been alike, and that each was good in its own way. Because Love is infinite, there is no limit to its reflections, and these have as many different phases as there are individuals or needs. So I decided to send my little message, knowing that it would do good in some way, even if never published.

Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." How often have we taken it as a matter of course that we do love one another well enough, and have not realized the full meaning of our Master's pregnant saying. How often have we ignored it altogether. But as we begin to lead the life which Christian Science teaches us to live, we find that nothing unlike love should dwell in our hearts. Then, in home life, in church work, in our relations with our fellowmen, in and outside the church, how much we discover in ourselves that bears not the slightest resemblance to love. We may find somewhat of selfishness, envy, jealousy, rivalry, resentment, bitterness, ambition to be first, and strong dislikes, even hate. We are frequently tempted to feel something quite unlike love toward some whom we thought we loved. And we are tempted to believe that some whom we thought to be our best friends have manifested anything but love towards us. We find a great deal to do to eliminate from consciousness these false views of ourselves and others. It takes much prayer, many struggles with self and sin, much charity, much practice of the Golden Rule to be able to stand the test, and we begin to realize what a severe test our Master has given us, and his wisdom in giving it. We see also the wisdom expressed in Science and Health in the following words: " 'Little children, love one another,' is the most simple and profound saying of the inspired writer" (Science and Health, p. 572). Only in striving to obey this command, do we begin to perceive its profound significance; for there is no depth in human consciousness that if does not sound. Can we heal the sick or destroy sin in ourselves and others, can we comfort the sorrowing, can we endure persecution, can we attend to our business successfully, in fact, can we do anything without love?

I wish to express, again, my gratitude for our Christian Science periodicals, and especially for the Sentinel, our faithful Sentinel, watching the growth of our cause, the world's attitude toward it, and guarding and warning us against the lurking foes which seek to overwhelm or deceive us. How often I have been helped to "defeat the cunning of the tempter," by the words found in its columns.

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The Sun is Shining
December 4, 1902

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