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In Answer to Criticism
Chicago Record-Herald
Mr. Editor.
A recent essay on Christian Science by Rev. Luther T. Townsend, D.D., is presented as an "answer by an expert." The gentleman admits that Mrs. Eddy, the Leader of the Christian Science movement, is a woman of more than ordinary ability, and that her writings "contain sentences and aphorisms that in wisdom and rhetorical excellence would not suffer in comparison if placed alongside of some of the sentences of Arnold or Emerson." Since Dr. Townsend is a professor of rhetoric, we note the value of this admission. He also declares that a great and important truth lies at the basis of Mrs. Eddy's Christiar: Science theories. That he indorses the basic lesson of Christian Science is noted in the following statement: "She says correctly that God is supreme, the only Life, Substance, and Intelligence of the universe and man." Having admitted this premise, it seems strange that the gentleman could not indorse the whole of Christian Science, since every statement contained in the Christian Science textbook is a consistent deduction from that which he acknowledges to be true. Unfortunately, however, he has misconstrued a large portion of the teachings of Science and Health, and, as a matter of course, has not been able to indorse his misconception. In this, however, he does not differ from Christian Scientists, for what he has condemned is as offensive to them as it is to him. His general treatment of the subject leads us to believe that the opinion of an "expert" on Christian Science is not worth as much as the absolute understanding of a practising Christian Scientist who may not be so expert in other matters.
Mrs. Eddy has given to the world ideas which are new, but in so doing she has been careful not to intrude them upon ears which do not welcome them, nor to speak disparagingly of the good works of others. On this subject she teaches in her book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," p. 444: "Students are advised by their teacher to be charitable and kind, not only toward differing forms of religion and medicine, but to those who hold these opinions."
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December 4, 1902 issue
View Issue-
Christian Science not Pantheism
John L. Rendall
The Contagion of Health
Edward C. Butler
In Answer to Criticism
Alfred Farlow
Judge Fair Judgment
Albert E. Miller
The Quality of Faith
with contributions from Hamilton W. Mabie
Among the Churches
with contributions from Eva E. Bunker, Ada Beers Foster, Jennie L. Willis, Mary Callender
The Sky of the Heart
Maltbie D. Babcock
The Master's Test of True Discipleship
The Sun is Shining
The Phraseology of our Testimonies
The End
H. S.
A Good Suggestion
The Lectures
with contributions from J. R. Mosley, Albert S. Batchelder, S. Burd Edwards, A.E. Jennings, Charles B. Jamieson
I feel that I can no longer put off acknowledging the...
B. Eaton Brooklyn
It is amazing from what a mere fraction of fact concerning...
George MacDonald
Religious Items
with contributions from F. W. Robertson, Norman Macleod