The Lord will Provide

The Journal and Sentinel have been worth so much to me that I feel I never can be thankful enough for them, and have always felt that I should tell what Science has done for me.

In the first place it snatched my dear mother from the grave and made her a well, strong woman after the physicians had said she would never see a well day again.

I knew that she had found more than I had, although I belonged to an evangelical church and thought it was very much to me; but I was sick nearly all the time, and our poverty seemed a mountain. When I came into Science I was alone and self-dependent with four little children, one a baby. I had only one or two treatments then, and as I seemed to have so little to pay for them, I thought I would work it out myself. As soon as one thing was overcome, however, something else would seem to come to the surface, and finally error screamed so that I sent for a practitioner and told her of my straightened circumstances, and she helped me to realize God's allness and our relation to Him.

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

Testimony of Healing
What Christian Science has done for Us
July 25, 1901

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