Attorney General Knox and Solicitor General Richards are of the opinion that the Secretary of the Treasury has no power to refund the duties on imports from Porto Rico which had been collected between the date of the ratification of the treaty of peace and the enactment of the Foraker law.
In the account of the dedication of the church at Beatrice, Nebraska, published in the July Journal, there was an omission which we gladly take occasion to supply herewith.
with contributions from Charles M. Howe, C. O. Bailey
On Sunday afternoon, June 30, a large and attentive audience filled Tootle Theatre, in spite of the intense heat, and listened closely to a lecture by Judge William G.
of years ago, in the very dawning of the fourteenth century, a great painter, Giotto the Glorious, took up his brushes one day and painted a portrait on the wall of one of the rooms of the Bargello in Florence.
of the greatest obstacles to spiritual progress, and one that is perhaps more subtle than most others, is the temptation to think we can never overcome ourselves, in other words, self-condemnation.
my first investigation of Christian Science, and before I accepted its teachings, a few observations impressed me very favorably, and I submit them in the hope that they may commend the Truth to others.
The Journal and Sentinel have been worth so much to me that I feel I never can be thankful enough for them, and have always felt that I should tell what Science has done for me.
I hail the coming of the Journal and Sentinel, as the coming of dear friends, not only for the glad tidings they bear from the various fields, but for the words of comfort and strength they bring.
When I say "Loch Lomond, Scotland, is beautiful," I do not only mean the actual "Loch," but the surroundings, the environments, go to make up this beauty,—the trees, the rocks, the moss, the heather, the everything round about,—and the oftener we visit Loch Lomond, the more of the individual beauties come under our notice.
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