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[Translated from a German book written more than two hundred years ago.]
God's spirit falls on me
As dew drops on a rose,
If I but, like a rose,
My heart to Him unclose.
The soul wherein God dwells—
What church can holier be?—
Becomes a walking tent
Of heavenly majesty.
Lo! in the silent night
A child to God is born,
And all is brought again
That e'er was lost or lorn.
Could but thy soul,
O man, Become a silent night,
God would be born in thee,
And set all things aright.
In all eternity no tone
Can be so sweet
As where man's heart with God
In unison doth beat.
Whate'er thou lovest, man,
That, too, become thou must;
God, if thou lovest God,
Dust, if thou lovest dust.
Ah! would the heart be but
A manger for the birth,
God would then once more
Become a child of earth.
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June 27, 1901 issue
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Comets and Stars now Prominent
Mary Clark Traylor
When we gain a victory, moral or mental, when we...
Phillips Brooks
Upholds Christian Science
Archibald McLellan
The Lectures
with contributions from I. T. Kahn, Daniel Davenport
with contributions from Lucy Larcom
Communion Service
The Test of Character
Concord as a Resort in June
Epidemic of Suicides
A Letter from Germany
with contributions from Frances Thurber Seal
As to Railroad Fares
Archibald McLellan
What they are Accomplishing
Effects of Poison Oak Overcome
Mary E. Terrell
Saved from Injury
Naomi M. Whitesell
A Remarkable Case of Healing
E. Della Wood
Healed of Nervous Prostration
F. B. Pierce
Christian Science and Obstetrics
E. R. H. with contributions from C. C.
All Needs Supplied
W. L. M.
Operation not Necessary
H. G.