A Manila press dispatch says that Prince Poniatowski, a San Franciscan, has secured from the Sultan of Sulu an absolute concession for fifty years, ending with the year 1950, of the island of Paragua.
I shall
ask Congress to give me ten thousand dollars for the purpose of making experiments in the raising of silkworms and the production of raw silk," said Secretary of Agriculture Wilson the other day.
to a report that certain life insurance companies are discussing, the advisability of discriminating against Christian Scientists, the Chicago Daily News recently interviewed the local insurance men as to their personal views on the question.
To the Editor:—In your issue of May 15 you print a dispatch from New York briefly outlining a series of attacks on Christian Science at a meeting of Methodist ministers.
is no better test of character than the estimate in which one is held in his own neighborhood, city, or state, among his immediate friends and associates.
annual Communion service of the Christian Scientists will, it was announced last evening, be held next Sunday, instead of July 7 as formerly published.
While camping on a little creek down in the Indian Territory, with my husband and two small children, my little girl went down on the bank of the creek to dig around what we call the red bud bush, as the roots of it are said to be nice for tooth brushes.
We have had such a beautiful demonstration of the power of Truth lately that I feel that some other mother may be helped by the little that I can give.
When listening to the testimonies given at one of the Wednesday evening meetings, the text, "Divine Love always has met, and always will meet, every human need".
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