Desire for Liquor and Tobacco Disappeared

I first heard of Christian Science four years ago. At that time drinking and smoking were my comforters. I had lived almost constantly from childhood in that atmosphere. I had no other associates. Though I was far from being satisfied with my condition I failed to see how to better it until I read Science and Health. I used occasionally to listen to a sermon, but sermons did not give me any more comfort than I derived from my pipe, hence I concluded the orthodox church could not satisfy me and I preferred drinking and smoking. When I began to read Science and Health I saw it offered something substantial. After a few months' study all desire for drinking and smoking disappeared. I did not give them up; I made no sacrifices, I simply found something better. I might mention that I smoked ever since I can remember. I used to smoke years before I left school, and, like most Englishmen, loved my pipe, and would almost prefer to miss a meal rather than to go without my smoke. I used to think it gave me comfort.

During my four years' study of Christian Science I have not spent a cent for doctors or medicine, neither have I lost a day from my work on account of sickness, which compares wonderfully with the previous four years. I take a great interest and pleasure in reading the Bible and studying the lessons in the Quarterly. The Bible used to be a most mysterious book to me, but "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" makers it a most precious book, making its meaning clearer, plainer, and simpler.

I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy and to the friend who invited me to attend the service held in the Auditorium four years ago. I also wish to acknowledge the benefit I have had from the Journal and the Sentinel. They have helped me wonderfully. If the value of Science and Health and these publications were measured as business men value things, by the results or benefits they bring, they certainly would be priceless to me. It would be impossible to measure their value, as I have got something from Science and Health that all the money in the world could not buy.—H. P. H., Chicago, Ill.

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Testimony of Healing
The Fields are White already for Harvest
March 7, 1901

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