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Anent Mrs. Eddy's Explanation
The Daily Saratogian
To the Editor of The Saratogian.
I desire to express my appreciation of the careful and correct manner in which Mrs. Eddy's answer to the question: "Why did Christians of every sect in the United States fail in their prayers to save the life of our late lamented President?" appeared in your issue of October 9.
Mrs. Eddy's explanation raised many important spiritual questions, and naturally led to some comments on your part. There is one aspect which needs to be emphasized in connection with Christian Science. This faith is no mere abstract theory or speculation. It is a definite, demonstrable science, built upon spiritual understanding. It proves itself by its works. Its growth, conceded to be marvelous by members of all Christian denominations, is the result of its works. It does reform the sinner and heal the sick. A cloud of witnesses, here and abroad, testify to this fact in the more than six hundred churches and societies of this denomination. No sincere investigator of the results of Christian Science any longer denies the healing, for so much is established; but the question still arises in the public mind: How can these things be?
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November 21, 1901 issue
View Issue-
Cartoon and Christian Science
Anent Mrs. Eddy's Explanation
W. D. McCrackan
A Word of Explanation
Hermann S. Hering
Take Notice
Mary Baker G. Eddy
A Case Reported
Mildred C. Gordon
A Further Explanation
R. S. Peale with contributions from S. J. Hanna
Among the Churches
with contributions from J. B. M.
Abide in Me
The Lectures
with contributions from A. D. Prescott, A. D. Chase
Trust in God
A Letter to a Former Physician
Chas. G. Bliss
A Lesson from the Life of Stephen
Daily Light
E. C. Butler
"Hosanna in the Highest."
Prejudice and Fear Overcome
Ida E. Carpenter
Christian Science as a Schoolmaster
A. M. J.
Message from a Little Child
Edith M. Hutchinson
Religious Items
with contributions from Henry Ward Beecher, Charles S. Brown, Joseph Eliot, Juliana H. Ewing