Queen Victoria's Accession Speech

We herewith republish Queen Victoria's accession address, which was likewise a marvel of simplicity, reflecting the character of her who was destined to reign for so many years. Thus early in life she realized that of herself she was unequal to so great a mission, and in simple language she affirmed her faith in God as able to sustain her in the performance of her great work.

The address, which was as follows, was delivered at the Court at Kensington, the 20th day of June, 1837, and was reported in the London Times the following day:—

The severe and afflicting loss which the nation has sustained by the death of his Majesty, my beloved uncle has devolved upon me the duty of administering the government of this empire. This awful responsibility is imposed upon me so suddenly, and at so early a period of my life., that I should feel myself utterly oppressed by the burden were I not sustained by the hope that Divine Providence. which has called me to this work, will give me strength for the performance of it, and that I shall find in the purity of my intentions, and in my zeal for the public welfare, that support and those resources which usually belong to a more mature age and to longer experience. I place my firm reliance upon the wisdom of Parliament, and upon the loyalty and affection of my people. I esteem it also a peculiar advantage that I succeed to a sovereign whose constant regard for the rights and liberties of his subjects, and whose desire to promote the amelioration of the laws and institutions of the country, have rendered his name the object of general attachment and veneration. Educated in England under the tender and enlightened care of a most affectionate mother, I have learned from my infancy to respect and love the constitution of my native country. It will be my unceasing study to maintain the reformed religion as by law established, securing at the same time to all the full enjoyment of religious liberty; and I shall steadily protect the rights, and promote to the utmost of my power, the happiness and welfare of all classes of my subjects.

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The Papyrus
January 31, 1901

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