"A lot of rumpus is being made," said a retired commodore to-day, "about the army suffering all sorts of things by the abolition of the canteen, and predictions are frequent that troubles will be encountered in securing enlistments because it is no longer to exist.
Briefly told, here is a history of the whole country, with interesting notes on the origin of names, when each of the states was admitted to the Union, the original thirteen, area of states in square miles, etc.
Editor Star:—In some of the city dailies of January 15, there appeared the annual report of one of our city churches, showing a membership of 658 and ten deaths, which is not, I believe, considered a larger death-rate than the average.
should be made by post-office money order, express money order, or exchange on Boston or New York Exchange on Chicago and other cities not named above, will not be accepted.
with contributions from Victoria R., Aberdeen, William McKinley
following dispatch appearing in the afternoon daily newspapers of Tuesday, January 22, announced an event of world-wide importance and sent a thrill of sadness throughout Christendom:—
herewith republish Queen Victoria's accession address, which was likewise a marvel of simplicity, reflecting the character of her who was destined to reign for so many years.
at the portal of the opening year,Words of comfort meet us, hushing every fear;Spoken through the silence by our Father's voice,Tender, strong, and faithful, making us rejoice.
The shadows lengthen in the west,The night-wind croons a lullaby;Upon the water's placid breastI drift beneath the starlit sky,While o'er me steals a peaceful rest, That fills my soul with ecstasy.
a wealth of helpful suggestion there is in many sentences of the Old Testament if we allow them to lie in our minds and unfold to us! I find that it is only by dwelling upon a sentence at a time for weeks perhaps that a hidden meaning is revealed and becomes a practical help.
New mercies, new blessings, new light on thy way;New courage, new hope, and new strength for each day;New notes of thanksgiving, new chords of delight,New praise in the morning, new songs in the night;New wine in thy chalice, new altars to raise;New fruits for thy Master, new garments of praise;New gifts from His treasures, new smiles from His face;New streams from the Fountain of infinite grace;New stars for thy crown, and new tokens of love;New gleams of the glory that waits thee above;New light of His countenance full and unpriced;All this be the joy of thy new life in Christ!
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