Communion Service at the Mother Church

The annual Communion service of the Mother Church was observed on Sunday, June 3, 1900. With the exception of the Mother's visits, this service was the most important event since the dedication of the Mother Church, January 6, 1895, and was the occasion of the assembling of the largest number of Christian Scientists that ever visited Boston at one time. The day was one long to be remembered both by the visiting Scientists and those who reside in Boston and vicinity. The visiting Scientists were numbered by thousands. They came from all parts of the United States, Canada, and foreign lands. Hundreds of these visitors had for many years been looking forward to the time when they might enjoy the blessed privilege of worshiping in the Mother Church, and their cup of joy was full to overflowing. Many of them had been healed by Christian Science after all material means had failed, and no sacrifice of time or money was considered too great for them that they might know from experience what it means to attend the annual Communion service in the Mother Church.

It had been announced that services would be held at 9 and 11 A.M. and 2 and 4 P.M., but it was early seen that these would not be sufficient to accommodate all who desired to attend, so arrangements were made to have an additional service at 7.30 P.M. At this last service, as well as the four former services, the auditorium was completely filled, and many were content to find standing room.

The most important feature of the service was the message of the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy. The Scientists came expecting a message, as on former occasions, and they were not disappointed. They went away feeling that the Mother's letter to her children had so completely covered the ground and answered all their questions that nothing remained to be said.

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By-law Repealed
June 7, 1900

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