United States Judge Hook in a case tried before him at Wichita, recently declared the Kansas prohibition law unconstitutional, inasmuch as it involved interference with the freedom of interstate commerce.
brains, American enterprise, and American mechanics are now engaged in erecting in India one of the highest bridges, if it is not the highest bridge, in use by any railroad in the world, says the Philadelphia Telegraph.
the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: and yet I say unto you, That Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
differ respecting the merits of Christian Science in the treatment of disease, but it is quite evident that prosecutions of Christian Science healers like that in progress at Topeka, Kan.
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, occupied its new edicice, formerly the Chestnut Street schoolhouse, Sunday, May 20, when the service was held at half past ten o'clock, and Sunday School at twelve.
every Christian Scientist has been confronted with retorts of sceptics, when cases of healings, as related in the Field, have been repeated to them.
have been in Paris nearly a month, and have grown to love the little Science meetings very much The two Scientists at the head of the work here seem very earnest, loving, and loyal.
may be interesting to learn something of the good being accomplished in spreading the truths of Christian Science by placing our literature in the railroad depots.
Abbie D. Weeks
with contributions from Millard Merrill
The writer of the following testimony came to Cedar Rapids some six years ago in a mover's wagon, or what is known here in the West as a "prairie schooner.
May 20 was the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Stephen Girard, the wealthy Philadelphia merchant who founded and munificently endowed Girard College, that great institution for the support and education of orphan boys.
Circumstances make it necessary again to request our co-workers throughout the Field to observe the following rules in sending in their orders to the Publishing House:—
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