Gold became the sole monetary standard of the United States on March 14, when the President signed the new finance bill, which was finally passed in the House the previous day.
project of separating the continents of North and South America, and establishing free navigation between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a ship canal through the Central American isthmus, is by no means of recent origin.
Slips containing the words and music of the Communion Doxology, suitable for insertion in the Hymnal, will be furnished at 50 cents per hundred, prepaid.
The tenets of The First Church of Christ, Scientist,—the Mother Church,—printed on folded sheet for the use of branch churches of Christ, Scientist, with space for the names of churches and their by-laws, can be had at one dollar per hundred.
Christian Scientists whose teachers are deceased, absent, or disloyal—or who, for insufficient cause would refuse to endorse their applications for membership with the Mother Church—can apply to the Clerk of this Church and present to him a recommendation signed by three members thereof in good standing therewith.
As announced in the Sentinel of December 21, 1899 the annual term of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College which would regularly have convened on the first Monday of January last, was postponed until the Wednesday following the second Tuesday of June, 1900.
To the Editor of the Globe:—In view of the recent sensational reports of the death of a Somerville child, we desire to enter into a candid discussion of the matter in question.
I desire
to express my deep and sincere appreciation of the work and efforts of our editors and publishers, and of the good things they send us by our Journal and Sentinel.
I began the study of Christian Science, I have often thought of the old field thistle that grows on the farm to the great annoyance of the farmer, who can never tell whence it came.
For fifteen years I suffered from nervous prostration, the attacks becoming more and more severe, and accompanied by a complication of ailments until at last I could neither read, write, nor sew, without excruciating pain in my head, neither could I see friends or any member of my family for more than a few minutes at a time nor talk to them.
To show the difference between Christian Science and materia medica I shall tell of an experience that came to me about ten years since, before I was interested in Christian Science, although I had heard of it.
Although Christian Science had been known in our home for five years, I did not feel inclined to study into it until I thought i was my duty to do so, on account of the statement frequently made to my daughter by a member of the Baptist Church, that the devil was in Mrs.
with contributions from T. W. Young, Y. M. C. A., George C. Lorimer
An editorial in the Christian Register, organ of the Unitarian denomination, dealing with the question as to whether the God of Unitarians is the God of all true Christians, says: "When we say God, we mean an Infinite Power, Intelligence, Wisdom, Truth, Beauty, Justice, and Goodness.
Circumstances make it necessary again to request our co-workers throughout the Field to observe the following rules in sending in their orders to the Publishing House:—
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