Missionary Work

Some months ago my daughter and I sent the names of three persons as subscribers to the Sentinel for six months, hoping thereby to interest them in Christian Science.

A few weeks since my daughter received a letter from one of these persons on a matter of business. In closing she said, "Some kind friend has been furnishing me for some time with the Christian Science Sentinel, and I have suspected it came from your mother. Whoever it is, I think I feel toward her (I am sure it is a woman) as some of the Christian Scientists do toward Mrs. Eddy, for it has furnished me with excellent reading, and I understand and accept much of it. When I have an opportunity to do so, I shall read Science and Health."

What Scientist would not be glad to plead guilty to such a charge? I hastened to write her, and acknowledge my part in the matter, and offered her the loan of a copy of Science and Health.

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

June 8, 1899

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