
Those who intend to be present at the annual meeting of the Mother Church to be held in Boston, Mass., June 6, 1899, can secure reduced rates by getting certificates for the same from the local agents when they purchase their tickets. Reduced rates are good from May 29 to June 9.

The lecture of Edward A. Kimball, C.S.D., appearing in the Christian Science Journal for May is now published in pamphlet form. One copy or more, each, 10 cents; 12 copies to one address, $1.00; 25 copies to one address, $1.75; 50 copies to one address, $3.00.

All correspondence with the clerk of the Mother Church on matters pertaining to his office, should be addressed to William B. Johnson, C.S.B., 95 Falmouth St., Boston, Mass.

Per Capita Taxes and contributions to The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., should be sent to Stephen A. Chase, Treasurer, Box 56, Fall River, Mass.

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May 25, 1899

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