"Let Not your Heart be Troubled"

Let not your heart be troubled,
Have faith, believe in me.
I go to prepare a mansion
In the "Father's House" for thee.

Let not your heart be troubled,
Although I go away;
I will come again and receive you
Unto myself some day.

Let not your heart be troubled,
A comforter to you I'll send,
So I am with you always,
Even unto the end.

Let not your heart be troubled,
My peace I leave with you,
Not as the world giveth,
Give I unto you.

Let not your heart be troubled,
How sweet those words to me;
That where He is, there also
I shall forever be.

"When Christians come to realize," says the Watchman, "that it is as much a Christian duty to be agreeable as to be honest, the world will be much cheerier and the church membership much larger."

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May 25, 1899

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