the last Sentinel was the following question: "If all matter is unreal, why do we deny the existence of disease in the material body and not the body itself?
is only five years since we first heard of a wonderful Italian boy who was erecting poles on his father's estates in Italy with a view to establishing electric communication between them without wires.
is hope for the heart that can suffer, There is strength in the metal that's wrought, Though the hope and the tempered perfection, With vintage of sorrow are bought.
As one might scatter Easter flowers amidst a throng, bringing fond messages of spring and beauty to many a weary pilgrim, though some should miss their mark and, falling, exhale their fragrance beneath unthinking feet; so let us strew with open hand, kind deeds and loving thoughts to all around, and these sweet messages of Love Divine will bring to many a sorrowing heart, to each receptive soul, a gentle peace, a holy aspiration toward the Good; the Beautiful, the True; and though misunderstanding and mistrust may oft reject these proffered blooms of heavenly growth, yet even thus rejected will they leave behind some subtle fragrance of Elysian fields, some sweetly penetrating essence of a Love Divine.
Plans have been furnished for the new temple of the Third Church of Christ, Scientist, which is to be erected at the southeast corner of Washington Boulevard and Leavitt Street.
truth of the Scriptural words, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them," has been so beautifully fulfilled at Macatawa Park, Michigan, during this summer's season, that we cannot longer withhold the good tidings from those whom we know will be glad to hear.
the month of August, while their own church was undergoing repairs and redecoration, the congregation of First Church of Christ, Scientist, in St.
several months past Christian Science has been occupying the attention of our people, because of the reports of some wonderful cures being effected through the assistance of Christian Science, which caused your scribe to drop in at a meeting last Wednesday, which happened to be what is called a testimonial meeting.
Hearing the lecture delivered by Judge Ewing in Tremont Temple last evening, is one of the many blessings for which I am indebted to Christian Science.
all know how a very insignificant object, when held close to the eye, seems capable of hiding much of the outside world, so that the beauty of God's earth may seem to be shut out from us by a disc no larger than a dime.
The statement has recently been published that conversions are comparatively few in the Protestant churches, and are becoming fewer still with each passing year.
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