was a matter of very great interest to me to learn that the first printing-press brought into North America—the very one upon which parts of Eliot's Indian Bible were printed—still exists at Montpelier, Vt.
is questionable whether the almost daily scientific announcements as to the habitat of bacteria are an unmixed good or add much to the gayety of mankind.
I was attending medical college," said a New Orleans physician, "our old professor of materia medica and general practice told us one day that he had a remarkable case which he proposed to exhibit next morning in clinic.
worst kind of religion is no religion at all; and these men living in ease and luxury, indulging them selves in the amusement of going without religion, may be thankful that they live in lands where the Gospel they neglect has tamed the beastliness and ferocity of the men who, but for Christianity, might long ago have eaten their carcasses like the South Sea Islanders, or cut off their heads and tanned their hides like the monsters of the French Revolution.
the regular weekly meeting of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, held in the Auditorium annex on Wednesday evening, many testimonials were given by persons in the congregation, which, as one reflects upon them, tend to induce a conviction that the application of the fundamental principles upon which the movement is founded, are accomplishing a great deal of physical as well as spiritual good.
friends who have become interested in Christian Science having previously read spurious literature on the subject, find it a great stumbling-block when asked to read nothing but the authorized literature.
the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bear our sicknesses".
To some of us there is only one thing more disagreeable than a dreary pessimism; and that is a fallacious optimism, —an optimism which because it wears a shoe imagines that the earth is carpeted with leather, which puts the telescope to its blind eye when it is aware of any hostile fact on the horizon, which fortifies itself by reading only such papers and attending to only such facts as it knows will confirm it in the opinion which it chooses to maintain.
Applications for membership in the Mother Church to be presented at the semiannual meeting of the First Members to be held Tuesday, November 7, 1899, must be in the hands of the Clerk of the Church on or before the 15th day of October.
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