In the Christian Science Bible Lesson

July 16, 1938
Address, in part, by Mr. Harry I. Hunt
July 16, 1938
Address, in part, by Mrs. Florence B. Haeselich
July 16, 1938
with contributions from Duncan Sinclair, Margaret Williamson, Samuel W. Greene
July 16, 1938
with contributions from Arthur A. Rand, E. S. Woods
July 16, 1938
Nils A. T. Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway, in the
July 16, 1938
Lieut.-Col. Robert E. Key, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland, in the
July 16, 1938
Miss Maude A. Law, former Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
July 16, 1938
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California, in a statement broadcast over KGB,
July 16, 1938