Prayers for Colorado

Over the last few months, many states surrounding the Rocky Mountains have been affected by dry conditions, heat, and forest fires. A large blaze near Colorado Springs has displaced tens of thousands of people and burned homes along the city’s outskirts. I have been living in Colorado for the past few months, and these fires are a huge concern for local communities. 

After I heard of the Colorado fire, it became quite clear to me that I needed to make myself a witness to God’s all-encompassing good, instead of being taken in by fear of danger. As a Christian Scientist, I knew the claim to be faced was that we can be endangered by our environment, or that men and women can be without God. 

As I prayed, I started with the fact that God is all good; He is “Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 587). God maintains the harmony and perfection of His creation. If God is All, what can exist outside of His command? Not a single thing. 

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