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I recently visited the Point Reyes Lighthouse, a National Historic Landmark on the California coast.
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Many students of the Bible believe “forty days” indicates a period of spiritual growth or transformation.
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God is in control. Huzzah, hooray,
   praise the Lord!
He is in control with the fullness
   of His goodness …
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Meekness isn’t wimpy

Thought centered on what God knows—the complete goodness of His creation—cannot be made to believe that suffering is real. And this clear knowing brings harmony to our experience.
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Unmoor and set sail!

After much prayer, I realized that God would be with me no matter where I was, and the fear dissolved. I then took my first of what became several trips. 
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TeenConnect: Q&A
Sometimes, if you’re praying about a problem, you might get questions from your friends about prayer or Christian Science. This author shares how she’s dealt when that’s happened to her.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content

The prayer that heals

Prayer is not a filibuster
   nor a function of time. 
It is gaining that precious
   peace of mind,
where …
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Embracing quiet moments is not about neglecting our responsibilities, but about deepening our awareness of life’s source and substance, divine Life.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
For this teen, Mary Baker Eddy was more than just a historical figure. As she learned more about Mrs. Eddy’s life, she began to see how practical Mrs. Eddy’s ideas are—and how they can even bring healing today.
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Sentinel Watch

Facing down fear

Whether fear seems to lurk in the background of our lives or to hit us with a jolt, wouldn’t we all like to know not only that we can face fear down but how we can? This week’s guest, Don Adams, shares practical spiritual ideas and experiences from his own life that show that fear truly doesn’t have the upper hand.
Testimony of Healing

Leg injury healed

Some years ago when my daughter was nine or ten years old, she was on a softball team.
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Testimony of Healing

Pregnancy fears overcome

I realized that each idea of God already has all that is needed to bring it to fruition. Instantly the heaviness I had been feeling dropped away, and I knew I was healed of the fear.
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Testimony of Healing

Trusting in Truth

Several years ago, while I was in Cairo for a few weeks, I had an experience that made me delve into my true, spiritual identity.
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Bible Lens


In the New Testament, glory is an attribute of God and His Son that transforms all who bear witness to it.
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Letters & Conversations

A really helpful editorial.
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As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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Feeling burdened?

Our true work, everything we do, is to “believe on him”—to recognize that the Christ, Truth, that Jesus so fully lived, is always with us, and to follow Christ.
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I could see that I needed to take on a more unlimited view of myself: What appeared to be a mortal, material identity subject to beliefs of aging or a history in matter was not the true indicator of my identity in God
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 I prayed to understand more clearly that God does not see any of earth’s shadows, and that the real, spiritual identity of each individual is untouched by the events of the past.
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Image and Inspiration
Soul, or Spirit, is God, unchangeable and eternal; and man coexists with and reflects Soul, God, for man is God’s image.

—Mary Baker Eddy
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 120

Yielding and healing

The healing occurred when I yielded to God’s message of comfort.
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A Christian Science Sunday School student shares what she’s learned from observing God’s qualities in animals!
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This Week’s Featured Online Content

The prayer that heals

Prayer is not a filibuster
   nor a function of time. 
It is gaining that precious
   peace of mind,
where …
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Embracing quiet moments is not about neglecting our responsibilities, but about deepening our awareness of life’s source and substance, divine Life.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
For this teen, Mary Baker Eddy was more than just a historical figure. As she learned more about Mrs. Eddy’s life, she began to see how practical Mrs. Eddy’s ideas are—and how they can even bring healing today.
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Sentinel Watch

Facing down fear

Whether fear seems to lurk in the background of our lives or to hit us with a jolt, wouldn’t we all like to know not only that we can face fear down but how we can? This week’s guest, Don Adams, shares practical spiritual ideas and experiences from his own life that show that fear truly doesn’t have the upper hand.
Testimony of Healing

Praying with Psalm 23 brings freedom

I was working around the garden and on our land when, without warning or apparent cause, my leg became very painful and started swelling down by the foot.
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Testimony of Healing
 The truck slowed—to my husband’s astonishment—and we safely negotiated the hard right turn.
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Testimony of Healing

Healed before church

The thought came to me that because God is all powerful, nothing could prevent our church service from going ahead or keep me from fulfilling my duty.
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Bible Lens


 The Revelator describes a divinely illuminated city, representing God’s glorious presence with His creation.
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Letters & Conversations

Thank you so much to the author for sharing this beautiful testimony of dominion.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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Guidance from above

We are meant, not to struggle, managing as best we can alone, but to succeed, because we have been given what we need to recognize our creator, divine Spirit, and its faultless creation, our true being. 
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A better way to wait

Are we waiting patiently with an expectation of continuous good? And the harpstrings of our thought—are they tuned in and receptive to God’s ever-present, loving care?
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A transformative experience

The spiritual understanding of God’s presence and power, governing and protecting everyone, transformed the human scene, and we saw the school flourish.
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The idea that God is singing to all of us and that everyone can hear and respond to Love’s song is a versatile and effective prayer. It’s a way to pray about disagreements and conflicts of all kinds.
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The Story of Ruth

Ruth’s story is all about faithfulness! You can read it, watch a video, or hear a song about it.
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Testimony of Healing

Knee pain gone

In prayer, we can declare emphatically that “laws” of aging and decay are made null and void by the law of God, infinite Mind.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content

The prayer that heals

Prayer is not a filibuster
   nor a function of time. 
It is gaining that precious
   peace of mind,
where …
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Embracing quiet moments is not about neglecting our responsibilities, but about deepening our awareness of life’s source and substance, divine Life.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
For this teen, Mary Baker Eddy was more than just a historical figure. As she learned more about Mrs. Eddy’s life, she began to see how practical Mrs. Eddy’s ideas are—and how they can even bring healing today.
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Sentinel Watch

Facing down fear

Whether fear seems to lurk in the background of our lives or to hit us with a jolt, wouldn’t we all like to know not only that we can face fear down but how we can? This week’s guest, Don Adams, shares practical spiritual ideas and experiences from his own life that show that fear truly doesn’t have the upper hand.
Testimony of Healing
I learned that I can trust our kids to God’s care and not just look for human ways to help them.
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Testimony of Healing

Burn quickly healed

I firmly held to the truth that I am entirely spiritual, whole, and untouched by injury.
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Bible Lens

Christ Jesus

After Jesus’ ascension, breaking bread became a central element of early Christian ministry.
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Letters & Conversations

I loved this article.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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Daily, even moment by moment, we can bring everything about ourselves to God in the expectation of experiencing the purification that is Christian baptism. This ongoing, pure desire has the power to bring us a completely new, pure view of ourselves—and everyone.
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When I was first learning about Christian Science, I encountered what seemed to be a real challenge in my thinking: How could I gain an understanding of myself as constituted of Spirit—of my substance as being completely spiritual?
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Whispers of the infinite

In the silence, 
where the world’s noise fades, 
I hear the pulse ...
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The pure language of joy

As we grow in our understanding of true, spiritual joy, we naturally want to share this quality in the larger context of all humankind.
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Me, we, and them

When the “me” becomes “we” and together we turn outward to “them,” all are blessed, and the mission of our church—to heal the world—is fulfilled.
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TeenConnect: Trending
Life was going to be good if it went exactly as planned … or so this author thought. But when the “perfect” college turned out to be anything but perfect for her, she learned where the good in her life really comes from and the divine guidance she could lean on to find a new way forward.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content

The prayer that heals

Prayer is not a filibuster
   nor a function of time. 
It is gaining that precious
   peace of mind,
where …
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Embracing quiet moments is not about neglecting our responsibilities, but about deepening our awareness of life’s source and substance, divine Life.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
For this teen, Mary Baker Eddy was more than just a historical figure. As she learned more about Mrs. Eddy’s life, she began to see how practical Mrs. Eddy’s ideas are—and how they can even bring healing today.
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Sentinel Watch

Facing down fear

Whether fear seems to lurk in the background of our lives or to hit us with a jolt, wouldn’t we all like to know not only that we can face fear down but how we can? This week’s guest, Don Adams, shares practical spiritual ideas and experiences from his own life that show that fear truly doesn’t have the upper hand.
Testimony of Healing

Steady supply during hard times

I trusted that our Father-Mother God, infinite Love, was taking care of us.
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Testimony of Healing

Back pain gone

I realized that I too reflected the divine nature and that God was animating me! My true being wasn’t material but spiritual—animated, or moved, by Spirit, God.
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Testimony of Healing
I could feel the fear draining away in the presence of these profound spiritual insights. I knew that I was safe.
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Bible Lens


Believers are to embrace their Christly heritage with unwavering confidence.
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Letters & Conversations

Thank you to the author for this great article.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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In the universe of God, Love, agency is the ability to do good.
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To know God as our Father and Mother, our Minister and Physician, is to know where we can unfailingly find love, support, comfort, direction, and healing.
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth

A fresh perspective

I discerned that the better thinker I was striving to be would find it more effective to ask God what He understands about Himself and His creation, including me.
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All at the King’s table

King David’s
late friend had a
son ...
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Counter political hostility with Love

Just as the very best dancers gracefully move together in joy and beauty, God’s children move together harmoniously with delight. Through spiritual sense, we can understand this and can know and see that God is governing.
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Image and Inspiration
Still, still with Thee when purple morning breaketh, 
     When the bird waketh, and the shadows flee,
Fairer than morning, lovelier than the daylight,
     Dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with Thee.

—Harriet Beecher Stowe, Christian
Science Hymnal, Hymn No. 317, adapt. © CSBD
This Week’s Featured Online Content

The prayer that heals

Prayer is not a filibuster
   nor a function of time. 
It is gaining that precious
   peace of mind,
where …
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Embracing quiet moments is not about neglecting our responsibilities, but about deepening our awareness of life’s source and substance, divine Life.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
For this teen, Mary Baker Eddy was more than just a historical figure. As she learned more about Mrs. Eddy’s life, she began to see how practical Mrs. Eddy’s ideas are—and how they can even bring healing today.
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Sentinel Watch

Facing down fear

Whether fear seems to lurk in the background of our lives or to hit us with a jolt, wouldn’t we all like to know not only that we can face fear down but how we can? This week’s guest, Don Adams, shares practical spiritual ideas and experiences from his own life that show that fear truly doesn’t have the upper hand.
God had helped us with the angel message we needed.
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Testimony of Healing

A household healed

Confidence in the omnipotence and omnipresence of God, Spirit, gives us the spiritual authority to silence fear and overcome the belief that disease is real and can be contagious. 
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Testimony of Healing

Giving my voice to God

With all hope, I pray that my healing of fear will inspire others who seek to serve God with their talents but have been held back by fear.
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Testimony of Healing
No false belief about a spiritual idea could ever injure the Principle behind it, so I concluded that nothing could alter my true identity as the expression of God. 
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Bible Lens


After Jesus’ ascension, his followers strongly testified to his status as Savior.
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Letters & Conversations

Thank you so much for this inspiring and helpful article.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.