Shining a light on the weekly Bible Lessons published in the Christian Science Quarterly®


Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Descriptions of God’s children as a flock of sheep occur often in Hebrew Scripture (see examples in Psalms 77:20; Isaiah 40:11; Jeremiah 23:3; Ezekiel 34:11–16). Addressing his disciples, Christ Jesus now employs this image to quiet worry and urge trust in God. A scholar points out, “. . . we can live now as kingdom people by refusing to center on the earthly and embracing the heavenly realities of life.”

“Kingdom of God” and “kingdom of heaven” appear about one hundred times in the New Testament. Jesus’ teaching elevates the concept from a geographical or political entity to the spiritual kingdom “at hand” and “within you” (Matthew 4:17; Luke 17:21).

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Resources cited in this issue

GT, cit. 15: Osborne, G.R. Luke Verse by Verse: Osborne New Testament Commentaries. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2018.

RR: American Standard Version of the Bible, 1901; Wenham, Gordon J., J. Alec Moyter, Donald A. Carson, and Richard T. France, eds. New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1994.

Cit. 4: Barclay, William. The Daily Study Bible: The Letter to the Romans. Edinburgh: Saint Andrew, 1955. Revised and updated by Saint Andrew, 2001. Reprinted as The New Daily Study Bible: The Letter to the Romans. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2001–04.

Cit. 12: Barclay, William. The Daily Study Bible: The Gospel of Matthew, Vol. 2. Edinburgh: Saint Andrew, 1955. Revised and updated by Saint Andrew, 2001. Reprinted as The New Daily Study Bible: The Gospel of Matthew, Vol. 2. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2001–04.

Letters & Conversations
March 10, 2025

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