Healed of anorexia

Originally appeared online in the teen series Your Healings -  August 27, 2024.

In high school, I was really focused on body image and beauty. I spent a lot of time comparing myself to other girls. This led me to feel that I needed to lose weight to become what I thought was attractive. I started restricting my food intake, exercising to burn calories, and weighing myself to check my “progress.”

Even though I grew severely thin and was obviously endangering myself, I didn’t care. I still had a negative view of myself and continued to look for beauty in my ever-thinning image in the mirror. 

Before this, I’d always loved reading the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and attending Christian Science Sunday School. But as I slipped further into these disordered behaviors, my love for spiritual growth diminished. I felt more and more apathetic about God, Christian Science, and church. It seemed like I was stuck in a downward spiral.

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