Rise and shine

With Nancy Humphrey Case

This week’s guest, Nancy Humphrey Case, shares fresh insights from two of her experiences—a healing of physical exhaustion and praying for the life of a calf on her friend’s dairy farm. After our conversation with Nancy, stay tuned for a special message.

Citations referenced in this episode:

From the Christian Science Sentinel archives:
Godfrey John, “Lazarus,” Christian Science Sentinel, November 18, 1972
Keith Wommack, “Divine Love is there for you 24/7,” cssentinel.com, February 14, 2006
Stephanie Johnson, “You are not alone,” cssentinel.com, November 13, 2012
Deborah Huebsch, Amy Richmond, and Jenny Sawyer, “Omnipresence: God's presence embraces our past, present, and future,” cssentinel.com, January 11, 2021
Deborah Huebsch, Amy Richmond, and Jenny Sawyer, “Omnipotence: God's power for good heals,” cssentinel.com, January 25, 2021
Deborah Huebsch, Amy Richmond, and Jenny Sawyer, “Omniscience: What God knows, you can know,” cssentinel.com, February 1, 2021
Deborah Huebsch, Amy Richmond, and Jenny Sawyer, “Omniaction: God’s unlabored motion includes you,” cssentinel.com, February 22, 2021

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