Understanding God transformed my life

How I found Christian Science

Originally published in Portuguese

For many years, I tried to get a clearer understanding of God. I also yearned to know the reason for my existence. Since the church I had been raised in didn’t have satisfying answers to my questions, I began investigating other churches, but none of them provided the enlightenment I was seeking. I read the Bible daily and liked the content but understood very little of it. Often I felt discouraged and sad. 

Then one day a coworker spoke to me about Christian Science. He gave me a copy of The Herald of Christian Science—a monthly magazine—and told me that a Christian Science practitioner had helped him at a critical period of his life when he had been contemplating suicide. I made an appointment with this practitioner, and we started meeting weekly. I wasn’t looking to attend a church but just to talk to someone who could help me understand God and my relationship to Him. 

I asked the practitioner many questions, and she explained Bible passages to me in a way that I had never heard before. She introduced me to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and I started reading it immediately. Although I didn’t understand much at first, I kept reading and a few months later began attending services at a branch Church of Christ, Scientist. 

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Just love
February 10, 2025

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